Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Ultrasound and Test Results

This is Baby A, laying across the bottom (you can kind of see the shadow of Baby B above Baby A). S/he was not cooperating with the ultrasound tech and would not let us get very good photos or measurements, let alone give us a chance to see gender. But s/he looks alright. They are laying one on top of the other.

This is Baby B, otherwise known as Mackenzie Rose Clark. SHE was very cooperative and showed us her girl parts! Now, of course, since we were only 12 weeks 6 days, the u/s tech said we can't hold her to this, but I saw the parts too and I knew from the beginning of the pregnancy that I was having at least one girl - I could just tell! Mother's instinct! Darrell still doesn't really want to believe it - was hoping for 2 more boys!!!

Here's another shot of Mackenzie. So cute in that little alien kind of way! Hard to believe there are two babies growing inside me!!!

Sorry it took so long for me to post these. These are from our July 30 ultrasound. I've just not been feeling so great, and haven't had the energy or motivation to do much. Sorry if the lack of posting caused anyone concern!!! My blood work came back great - no sign of Down's Syndrome. Yay! The normal risk for someone my age is about 1/700, and with my measurements and labs, my actual risk came back as 1/2500, so they consider that a negative result.

My nausea had gotten really bad, and I hadn't gained any weight in 3 weeks (they want me to gain 1 lb/week), so the perinatologist put me on two meds - Reglan and Vistaril. They seem to have done the trick, and as long as I take them on schedule, I feel pretty good and can eat almost anything. It's nice to have somewhat of an appetite again.

I started my weekly progesterone injections last week. OUCH!!! It is supposed to help prevent preterm labor, but oooohhhh my buttock was sore!! I'm due for another today - yay!!

My next appointment is August 20 with the perinatologist for a cervical ultrasound - this measures the cervix to check for signs of preterm labor. I'm hoping I can get the u/s tech to take a peek at Baby A while she's in there and see what color team Baby A is on - pink or blue! Then on August 27, I have a regular OB appointment, and then on September 4, I have my next big growth ultrasound at the peri's office. They're definitely keeping good tabs on me!!

Say a prayer for my little sister Kristina; she left for a mission trip in Belize today. I hope she has a great time and stays safe!

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