Monday, November 12, 2007

Odds and ends on a special day

Today, one year ago, we lost our baby, Shiloh, early in pregnancy. We had barely even had a chance to start making plans and thinking about our future with another child, when those plans and dreams and hopes were taken away from us. It's been a long year since then, with lots of sadness but also many, many blessings. We will never forget Shiloh, and I truly believe that we have another son or daughter waiting for us in heaven - what a day that will be when we get to meet him/her!!

And yet, if it were not for losing Shiloh, so many things today would not be as they are. I would not have many of the friends who are now such an important part of my life, whom I've met through my grief support group. I would not be the person I have grown into, more sensitve and more attuned to people's pain, even more appreciative of the miracle and gift my son is. And certainly, we would not be pregnant with our wonderful little girls right now!!!

This is just another example of how God works in our lives. He sees the big picture and knows what is best for us. We get only a tiny glimpse of the big picture, which is why the things that happen in our lives sometimes don't make sense to us. But what a relief it is to know that He does understand why everything happens, and that he has a purpose for everything that happens in our lives. It comforts me to know that we are not just floundering around aimlessly in this world and that our suffering is not for nothing. He takes these things and makes something beautiful out of them.

Give your kids an extra hug and kiss today and recognize the incredible little miracles that they are!!

1 comment:

Karen said...

Thinking of you today:)


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