Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Ouch, that hurt!

Last you read, we were having a grand time relaxing in San Diego. What I didn't include in that post, was that I had been coughing a LOT, for several weeks, and that sometime shortly after arriving in San Diego that Friday, I began having a sharp pain in my right lower rib cage area. The pain became worse and worse, and when I woke up Saturday morning, it dawned on me that I probably had a broken rib. (And really, the only reason I knew you could break a rib by coughing too hard was because both my mom and my sister have done so - must be in the genes, or something!!) By Saturday night, I was literally in tears as I lay in bed trying to go to sleep.

I would have gone to Urgent Care, but for a couple things. For one, there was no way I was dragging all of the kiddos to Kaiser...every time they go, they pick up some terrible virus and end up sick for weeks. For another, there's really not much they can do for a broken rib, besides give you pain meds, and I already have pain meds for my neuropathy, so I was covered there. Besides, Darrell probably would have decided if I was bad enough to need to go to the doctor, then we would need to end our trip...and I really didn't want to ruin the trip for everyone else!

But wow, this has been some really intense pain!!! We got back Tuesday night, and I went to my regular doctor first thing Wednesday morning. She confirmed not only a broken rib, but also pneumonia!! Yippee. Aren't I just a mess?! So some cough syrup, more pain meds, and antibiotics, along with a rib binder, and I was good to go. It can take up to 6 weeks to heal.

I'm gonna knock on some wood here, but I will say that yesterday and today have been better. I only had to take pain medicine once all day yesterday, and have only had to take it once today...so I'm hoping the most intense pain is behind me. Here's to hoping this is one experience I never have to repeat!!

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