Saturday, November 08, 2008

Bloom Where You Are Planted

Yesterday, we went to a playdate at Tracey's house (from our mom's group). The kids all got to paint cups/pots, and then plant seeds. We chose basil seeds...since I just killed our basil plant. (Hey - I kept it alive 3 months, which is longer than any other plant I've had!! Progress, people!) Anthony woke up this morning and said, "How come my plant isn't growing??" Patience, my son, patience!!

Did you happen to notice that there were no twins in any of the pictures?? That's because my wonderful husband had yesterday off and kept the girls home with him while I took Anthony to the playdate!! As we were leaving the house, my arms felt so empty! It seemed entirely too easy to just walk out the door with my purse and one child - no diaper bag, no heavy car seats with babies, no running around looking for pacifiers and bottles and blankets...we actually just walked. out. the. door. Bizarre. Thank you, honey!!

Anyway - we'll keep you posted on any growth that happens. Hopefully it happens. Or I'll have a very disappointed 3-year old!


Ryder Royalty said...

Our basil has actually started growing! Yippee!!! No chives yet though....

Unknown said...

You went to a playdate with no babies in hand? Good thing I missed that one or I would have been very dissapointed. I love those little girls! Seriously, I am glad you had a break. It is amazing how a playdate with a three year old can seem like a break huh?


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